Five Nights At Freddy's Buildable 8-Bit Balloon Boy
Simultaneously retro and creepy looking, these 8-bit buildable sprites of the Five Nights at Freddy's characters deliver! As seen in the "Mini Games" hidden throughout the video game series, fans playing as these 8-bit characters reveal more of the dark backstory of the haunted Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! Balloon Boy is a Nerd Block exclusive! Simultaneously retro and creepy looking, these 8-bit buildable sprites of the Five Nights at Freddy's characters deliver! As seen in the "Mini Games" hidden throughout the video game series! Balloon Boy is a Nerd Block exclusive!
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Customer Reviews

my search is over
i finally found a 8 bit balloon boy thats the right price im sure to get one tomorrow. i recommend if your a big fnaf fan and balloon boy fan.
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